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60 mins
Not all tasks can be performed remotely, but most can! You stay in your home or business and we use custom software to talk/chat and share your screen.
60 mins
Using this option, I WILL PICKUP your device from wherever you are - perform diagnostics and repairs at my office and RETURN IT TO YOU at your location. All devices will be wiped down with Isopropyl Alcohol before and after repair.
60 mins
If you would like to meet me at my office downtown.
60 mins
Select this option for in-home/office service.
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          Please enter phone number without country code. Just select the country flag.
          Please enter phone number without country code. Just select the country flag.
          Please enter phone number without country code. Just select the country flag.
          Please enter phone number without country code. Just select the country flag.
          Please enter phone number without country code. Just select the country flag.
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